Thursday, December 16, 2010




Sunday, November 28, 2010

Things that happened

Interning for almost a month. Colleagues are nice. Boss also not bad. But working for 6 days a week is kinda tired. I want more holiday.
Well, working with a bunch of friends is not that nice though. Something happened and somehow it affected our friendship. Hope that ship does not sink.

Having quite a lot of negative thoughts lately. I'm really good at torturing myself mentally. Going to be crazy soon. I somehow agree with the video I saw saying that women always have thoughts in their mind, unlike men. Way too much thoughts.

My hubby is currently having a MEDICAL CHECKUP. It's been a week now but the result still haven't come out yet. Sigh. I need him so badly right now. Saw the advertisement of the Canon EOS 60D on the news paper last few days. And have the urge to just go and buy it with no second thought. Well, that's if I have the financial condition to do so.

Going for shopping alone later to relax myself. *AHHHHHHHHH*

Have a nice day folks.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Simple Plan

"I'm gonna go and shop for a pair of good quality shoes for work!!" I said out loud.
"Good! How much you want?" He asked.
"RM200!!" I replied. Of course I'm just joking.
"Here's RM200." Then he really gave me RM200.

My cute and handsome uncle is so sweet and nice and generous ^-^ LOL

Plans for tomorrow: Hair cut, movie, shoes hunt (of course!!).....

p/s: Congrats to my cousin for the wedding =) 恭喜你脱离单身生活 =P

Me at the wedding dinner =)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Final Exam is officially OVER!!!

YES!!!! Final Examination is finally OVER!! I repeat, it's OVER!!!

What comes next is my 2nd internship. Sadly I can't find myself any job in Penang and I ended up getting a job in Shah Alam. It's gonna be far, but I hope it's gonna be FUN as well. Housemates are being sarcastic bout me working there. Well, as long as I have friends with me (and it's like the WHOLE CLASS!!!), I'm gonna be fine. And FREE lunch at work as well =P .

Gonna enjoy my one week holiday to the MAX!! Oh yeah!! So my dear girlfriends sekalian, see you all back in Penang!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Leave it the way it is

Sometimes, things should be just the way they used to be.
There's no need for you to make it looks clearer.

No one should.

It just make things more complicated.
Interrupt with one's thought, feelings.

It's not always what you think it is.

How I wish I can be the me 2 years back then.
But it's not possible as people change, grow both mentally and physically with time.

All I can say is time is cruel.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just feeling desperate

Feeling blue all of a sudden.

Got a feeling that I'm just being too desperate over something. Should just be more patient and wait.

At this moment, I'm just desperate for a warm embrace.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

NTV7 Yuan Carnival 2010

NTV7 went to my primary school! Many people went for the carnival. Traffic jam everywhere. Cars all along the road. I was there as a helper for the basketball competition. Recorded the scores, foul made by the players.


Yuan Carnival
The hall


Well, basically I was at the basketball field all the time, so I'm gonna blog more about the basketball competition instead of the whole carnival. There were 2 categories: Primary School (age 10-12) & High School (13-15). I'm taking care of the High School categories with some other ex-shangwu students. All the matches were exciting. Those primary school kids are amazing.

The difference was quite extreme.

Many fouls made by the Yellow Team.

The panel

Shang Wu vs. Ping Hua
Unfortunately, Ping Hua won the match >.<

High school match

There was this stall selling all 老夫子漫画. And this limited edition toys of the characters in the manga.

Kids fishing.

Games stall

Love this~~

There's also drawing competition. Miss the old times. I also wanna draw!

Cards for National Day

Trishaw was also available for ride

Bought this cute carbonated drinks from the stall there =)

Got a goody bag from NTV7. Those things inside were not really valuable, but it's better than nothing.
Sorry that it took me weeks to blog about this carnival =P
That's all for it. Good night all =)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Stay in USM

Went to USM to meet my girlfriends during my last semester break, since they don't have holiday that time. I stayed there for 3 days 2 nights.

DAY 1:

I took the USM bus at Sungai Dua to the engineering campus in Nibong Tebal, at 11.00am. Arrived there within an hour or more (I kinda forgot...) and waited ZZ (for about an hour) at the cafeteria
to come and get me.

ZZ came with her bicycle. She don't know how to fetch ppl with the bicycle, so I fetch her instead. But I was not steady and she scared. Ended up I'm riding the bicycle and she's walking. LOL.

All the rooms are sharing rooms, like all the hostel. But 4 persons in a room is kinda surprised me. And the water dispenser has limited amount of water. Every morning there will be a lot of Charlie (a kind of insect) outside the corridor and the catering room.
I heard ZZ, CP and XY that it will cause a burn on one's skin by just having simple contact with it. It's kinda freak me out.

This is where they hang their washed clothes. What a view~~

The view outside their room.

Ate lunch with CP, ZZ, YiHung and KaiQi at the town.
It was ShuLing's birthday on the 1st day I arrived there. Celebrated her birthday along with all the friends at a seafood restaurant. Had seafood as dinner. Yummy~~

Facebook everywhere.

ZZ in pyjamas. It's actually a T.

My bed.

Had supper with XY and ZZ. ^-^

Roti tisu. Roti pisang. Roti cheese.

It has syrup on it. Too sweet for me.

With XY.

With ZZ.

DAY 2:

I followed them to class since they had longer section of classes for today and I'll be bored to death alone in the hostel. With collar T and a jeans, I'm off to classes with them in bicycle. It's quite fun to ride bicycle to classes with friends =)

The lecture hall.

Had mixed rice as lunch with ZZ, XY and some of her friends.
After lunch, I went back to hostel instead of going classes with them. Bored and I'm afraid I'll go fishing in the class.

For dinner, I had tom yam mee hoon. And a special ABC.

Forgot the name. There's honey dew, dragon fruit, cincau and some jelly.


Planes in Aero School.

Mountain of bicycles.

No speeding in campus area!! Oppss~

Went to the library with XY at night. Borrowed her roommate's student ID =P. Their library is BIG!! Way bigger than the one in my uni.

Inside the library.

DAY 3:

Last day at USM. Ate a little biscuits as breakfast and off to the cafeteria to wait for the bus back to Sungai Dua campus. XY fetched me there. ZZ also came along =). The bus came around 8.30am. Took a picture before I left.

With XY and ZZ.

I think I caused some trouble to them during my stay there. But still, I wish to go there again to kacau them =P It's quite fun except for the Charlie part.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Home Sweet Home

It's nice to be back at home.
I get to meet my old buddies. Eat the nice food back at home. Spend time with the precious one.
Everything is just great. Love it so much.
Gonna do something fun
with my old buddies tomorrow. Can't wait for tomorrow.
But I still haven't pack my stuffs yet. Oppss.
Need to start packing now ^-^

JV.YT.PS are absent