Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My cute little puffer fish

I bought a Sumatra Puffer last Wednesday for $3 while sis bought a Black Ghost Knife Fish for $5. It's so cute that I watch it swims every morning when I wake up.
Sumatra Puffer

Well, this cute little puffer seems to be lonely, so sis bought another puffer fish last Saturday. It's fat :P and it's stomach will turn black when it feels frighten. When it turn back normal, it's head will shine, it's a green shine. Oh, I forget to tell you all, it's a Green Spotted Puffer Fish.

Green Spotted Puffer Fish

Both of them resting on the leaves.

I Love Fish.
Any Fish.
Mostly Fighting Fish.


SY said...

so cute la weiiii!!

HuiHong L. said...

cute leh....hehehe...come my house and have a look la...:P