It's a Saturday. I woke up at 4.30am. So, do you know where am I going? hehe....I'm going to kutip durian!!! Chien is coming to pick me up at 6.00am. Before we went to the durian orchard, we went to McDonald's for breakfast. Obviously, I don't order any. Grace gave me a blueberry bun =D. After half an hour, King Wei was finally here. We continued our journey to the orchard after that.
Andy is applying lotion as a protection from mosquitoes.
Here's we are. Somewhere near Nottingham. Semenyih that area. It's fresh air every where. And the sweet smell of durian.
Durian on the tree.
Andy and Grace We need to climb up the small hill in order to pick up the durian dropped on the ground. It's slippery because it rainned yesterday. Well, clumsy me fell when coming down the hill >< . We found our very first durian only when we climbed till the top there. And the second one after a while.
First durian.
Second durian.
I found a durian!!!After the second one, we walked to the other side of the orchard. We saw the starfruit orchard. Lots and lots of starfruits were dropped on the ground. And after passing the starfruit orchard, there's durian tree again. Then, we saw a durian dropped from the durian tree. We all shouted in joy. Then the guys went down the steepy hill to pick it up. There's more durian down there. A lot more.
Lontar durian competition. LOL.
Grace and me.
Took this while waiting for them to get the durian.
All from the bottom of the hill.Then we started our durian fiesta. King Wei helped to open the durian and others help to eat. HAHAHA. And took photo of course.
King Wei.'s durian!!! YUM YUM
After eating the durian, we took the rest back. On the way back, we saw another group of people. Then we only knew that we went to other people orchard and pick up their durian. LOL. Well, we can only give them back. And took our own durian pick up from other side back. When coming back down, my left hand accidentally knock on the durian that King Wei was carrying (he's walking in front of me). So damn pain!!! It makes a lot of small little holes!!! My hand bleed a little.
Chuan Neng.
There's four cute doggies there.
The dog also want to eat durian!!!
After eating more durian, we went to the other side to try to pick up more durian. But we only get 5 more. Sad.
King Wei. The Durian Claus. HAHAHA.There's blood on his shirt. All because of the durian. All of us got at least an injury caused by durian.
Me. Chien. Chuan Neng. Andy. Grace. King Wei.
Group photo before we left the orchard. It's a good experience. My first time going to pick up durian at the durian orchard. Nice Durian Day!