Well, I lend my Husband to AikWei. And you know what? He belanja my Husband drink sago honeydew =.=''. It's now sweet sweet and sticky sticky d. There's also some entertainment after the dinner. EngWooi and AikWei show us some Tricks.
By EngWooi.
By EngWooi.
By EngWooi.
By EngWooi.
By AikWei.
[I don't know how to rotate it...sorry..hehe]
[and now my phone is full of Caren's photosss]
After the bbq steamboat, we went to gurney drive around 10pm. Six of us, EngWooi (the driver), JiunnShyan, Mattew, Caren, ShiYing and me sandwiched into a white Kenali.
He run the red light!!! hahaha.....and he denied it by saying: "That's green light..." =.=''

The 14 of us.
[Edit(7/10/08): Wendy is not in the photo.....i now only notice]
Story telling time. To be exact, it's GHOST story telling time.
After the ghost tingy, we talk about us. KhaiLoon asked *secret* and all of us take turn to answer the question.
Then, it's phone number changing time, since we don't really have all of their phone number (or is it KhaiLoon you want SOMEONE's number? haha)
Went back home after that and arrived home at 12am.
I smell bbq.Went back home after that and arrived home at 12am.
It's nice to hang out with you all =).
NO! no!
shot photos in my car...
that's private and confidential!
and... my ring magic...
yeng leh!
very hard you know...
it's all about timing... you should throw the ring and put into finger at the same time...
errr...........show off your magic ring trick ah....geng la geng la...colin do one really funny....
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